The Cultural AI Lab is a virtual Research Lab that is part of the ICAI ecosystem (Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence). The lab is structured around four research themes that the partners have formulated in a shared research agenda and for which various projects have been funded through NWO, the Dutch Digital Heritage Network, CLICKNL and funding from the partners themselves.


We differentiate between three types of partners: core, associate and affiliate partners. Each type depends on the role the partner plays within the Lab. 

The core partners are the current parties who set the research agenda and secured funding for the project: CWI, KNAW Humanities Cluster, KB National Library of the Netherlands, Rijksmuseum, Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, TNO, VU University Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam. 

Associate partners are actively participating in funded projects by hosting or supervising 1 or more of the PhD students. They can participate in internal knowledge exchange meetings and formulate future research themes: Tilburg University,, NMVW-national museum of world cultures, University of Utrecht, Make Media Great Again.

Affiliate partners have shown interest in the Cultural AI Lab but are not yet actively involved in funded projects. They receive regular news updates and can be invited to participate in future research projects.

The Cultural AI Lab is open for interested parties (cultural heritage institutes, societal partners or commercial enterprises) to join. When you are interested in joining the Lab, please get in touch with one of our scientific directors (dr. Marieke van Erp, dr. Laura Hollink, dr. Jacco van Ossenbruggen).